Mental Health

So I feel this is important to mention. I am diagnosed with mild ocd, anxiety, and i also struggle with an eating disorder that no one in my family knows about besides my sister (And now probably my dad, Hi Dad!) and it makes it hard to do things a lot of the time. It gets really easy to get down on myself and to not know whether my blocks are due to my mental health or if I am just lazy and attributing it to that problem. I feel its important for people to talk about it and to know that everyone will have bad days and sometimes just getting out of bed is an accomplishment so when you fight for the strength to do what you love it’s amazing. People assume that if you love something it is the easiest thing to do but they are wrong. If you love something it is petrifying. There are people better than you, and you can see every flaw in your design. If you keep doing what you love after the first time, every time you should feel proud of yourself. You are only a failure if you stop trying completely. (taking breaks also doesn’t count as quitting so be nice to you)